Aggressive IVF Protocols Specialist

Fertility & Lifespan Medical Institute
Fertility Specialist & Reproductive Endocrinologist located in San Diego, CA
Conventional in vitro fertilization (IVF) can be quite successful for some intended parents, but it’s just not the answer for everyone. If you’re struggling to conceive because of a problem like low egg supply, aggressive IVF protocols at Fertility and Lifespan Medical Institute could be the solution. Fertility specialist and reproductive endocrinologist Steven Brody, MD, PhD, offers personalized answers for tough cases. Click the scheduling tool or call the office in San Diego, California, to schedule your consultation.
Aggressive IVF Protocols Q & A
What are aggressive IVF protocols?
Aggressive IVF protocols are an alternative approach to standard IVF. These protocols use different combinations of medications, taken at different intervals than standard IVF, to help you recruit as many eggs as possible prior to ovarian stimulation.
There are multiple aggressive IVF protocols to choose from. Some involve taking birth control pills and others don't. Scheduling medications properly is particularly important in aggressive IVF protocols.
These protocols can work differently for each woman. Steven Brody can explain all the potential benefits and advantages of the options available to you.
Who might need aggressive IVF protocols?
Aggressive IVF protocols can improve your chances of conception if you suffer from low ovarian reserve, which means you have too few quality eggs. The exact number of eggs you have varies considerably by age, but in general, eggs decrease significantly after age 32 and again after age 37.
Most women with low ovarian reserve are in their 30s, 40s, and beyond, although it may occur earlier in life as well. Of course, low ovarian reserve isn't the only reason for standard IVF failure.
To clarify the reason for your infertility, Steven Brody performs a wide range of tests, including blood tests and transvaginal ultrasound, to determine whether aggressive IVF protocol could be the right path forward for you. Mini IVF may also be a good option for low ovarian reserve.
Some women who opt for an aggressive IVF protocol have a history of failed standard IVF cycles, while others may initially start with aggressive protocol because they have a very low chance of success with standard IVF.
What if aggressive IVF protocols don't work for me?
Aggressive IVF protocols are far from being the only method of becoming a parent. If you're not a good candidate for any type of IVF, or if aggressive IVF protocols fail, Steven Brody can discuss other options to help you progress in your family journey.
Alternatives can include using donor eggs and working with a gestational carrier.
At Infertility & Lifespan Medical Institute, Steven Brody provides compassionate fertility support for even the most challenging cases. To learn more about how aggressive IVF protocols can help you, call the office or use the online scheduling tool.
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Services We Offer
Infertilitymore info
Polycystic Ovary Syndromemore info
Endometriosismore info
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Bioidentical Hormonesmore info
Low Sperm Countmore info
Preventing Miscarriagesmore info
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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)more info
Aggressive IVF Protocolsmore info
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